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Minimizing Golf Course Water Use


| Mar 29, 2016
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There are several strategies and best management practices that golf courses can employ to use water as efficiently as possible and conserve precious water resources. These include:

·         Selecting and establishing turfgrasses that naturally use less water and are adapted to your climate and location.

·         Using recycled water, which reduces reliance on potable water for irrigation.

·         Having a well-designed and properly maintained irrigation system that applies water as efficiently as possible with little waste.

·         Use of water saving devices, such as moisture meters and in-ground sensors to measure and report soil moisture levels so that intelligent irrigation programing decisions can be made.

·         Employing proper aeration and soil cultivation programs so that any water applied infiltrates the soil and is not lost to run-off.

·         Reducing turf in out of play areas where turf is not necessary.

·         Root pruning tree near critical turf areas to reduce the competition for water between trees and turf.

·         Use of mulch below trees and in landscape beds.

·         Addressing indoor water use with water-efficient toilets and fixtures.

·         Education and training of maintenance personnel on the importance of proper water application techniques and using water as efficiently as possible.

Visit the “Case Studies” section of the Water Resource Center to see examples on how golf courses have implemented these strategies in practical ways.

Preparing For Limited Water Use - Droughts and Water Restrictions

Turf Reduction Saves Water

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General Water Conservation

Other Ideas For Using Less Water

Research Overview