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Interview With 2017 U.S. Junior Am Runner-up Matthew Wolff

Q. How did it feel to make it to your first finals?
MATTHEW WOLFF: It was incredible. This entire tournament the entire week, all the volunteers, USGA staff, everyone who just made this tournament possible, I can't thank them enough.

It's tough to come out on the bottom, but I played great all week. Tied for 7th in Medalist, and beat a bunch of good players, including my roommate. Noah just got me at the end, but I was really happy with how I played all week.

Like I said, it's a tough loss, but I'm really just happy to make it to the finals and be here.

Q. What do you think you're going to remember most? I know it's just kind of sinking in right now, but what do you think you'll remember most looking back on this tournament?
MATTHEW WOLFF: Just the experience. Not only the experience with all my friends here and Austin on the bag, but the experience going on forward in Match Play, because the NCAA Championships, U.S. Am that I got into now, there's just so much to learn from this tournament.

I feel like that's the biggest thing. Just no matter if you win or lose, you've always got to learn from your mistakes. Coming down the stretch, I stumbled a little, but I feel like learning from that, and hopefully next time it works out in my favor.

Q. It's not a total loss. You did qualify (Inaudible). That's a big moment for you. How do you feel like this is going to boost your career to the next level?
MATTHEW WOLFF: I mean, I played in the U.S. Am last year and made the cut but lost first round. So, I mean, I really think that it's going to boost my career. Just, like I said, these players are amazing, and this field, and to make it this far, six, seven matches I won against the best juniors in the world, it means a lot.

I'm really excited to play the U.S. Am about 45 minutes away from my house this year. So that will be cool.

Q. How much was the heat a factor do you think coming down the stretch? You were playing some really good golf up until the 11th hole, and then things started to un-ravel for you.
MATTHEW WOLFF: I mean, the heat was a factor, but I was drinking a lot of water. It was hot all week. I don't think that was the biggest thing. I think it was a little loss of concentration, maybe just got a little tired with my swing, got a little loose with my swing.

Like I said, I played pretty good golf. I kind of slipped up at the end, but it is what it is. I'm really happy for Noah. I mean, obviously, he made it to the finals here last year, pulled it out this year, so I'm really happy for him. Brought it to the 36th hole, I mean, that's pretty incredible in my book.

Q. Because you were 4-up walking off the 10th green there. What were you thinking there at that point? What was your mindset?
MATTHEW WOLFF: I mean, not too much. Just try to stick to my game plan, and unfortunately, it didn't happen. But just keep on hitting shots, trying to make some birdies and stuff. Coming down the stretch I mis-clubbed a couple of times. Got a little lucky on 16 with my break, but wasn't really making any putts all day, which I thought kind of killed me too. Because no matter how close I was putting it, I wasn't really draining them. But it's golf, and it is what it is.

Q. Was the ball flying further than you expected today? You were deep on 14, deep on 15 with your approach. Did you just have a tough time dialing in on those shots?
MATTHEW WOLFF: Maybe it was a little bit of adrenalin. I felt like the ball was traveling pretty far today, especially with the heat. It's at least 15, probably 10, 15 degrees hotter than it was in the morning.

So, yeah, the ball was traveling farther. But I mean, I don't know. I was kind of in between clubs a lot today, so that didn't really work out in my favor. I don't know. Like I said, just learn from the experience and take it one step at a time.

Q. On 18, I don't know if you answered this before, but just a quick swing? What happened with the drive?
MATTHEW WOLFF: I think I just got a little too aggressive with my line. I was trying to aim it at the bunkers and hit a straight ball. Instead kind of turned it over a little. I hit the ball far, but the line I took was just too big of a carry.

I mean, I've been working on rotation in my golf swing, and I don't really think I rotated through the ball, so I think that's what kind of caused it to go left.

But, it sucks that it had to come down to that one shot, but that's golf, and you've got to learn.

Q. I guess this is the second time you've been a runner up now in Match Play. The Polo back in '14 against your high school teammate?
MATTHEW WOLFF: Yeah, this is the second time, but like I said, Noah's a well-deserving champion. Won so many matches, played so great, played so consistent, AJGA Rolex Player of the Year. I knew it was going to be a hard match from the start, and he just proved why he deserves it. So I mean, it was fun though.

Q. Good luck to you at the amateur. You're going to play Riviera which is pretty special, I'm sure?
MATTHEW WOLFF: Yeah, it will be. I'm excited.