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Interview With 2015 U.S. Girls' Junior Champion Eun Jeong Seong


| Jul 25, 2015 | Tulsa, Okla.

Eun Jeong Seong claimed the title at Tulsa (Okla.) Country Club with a 3-and-2 win over Angel Yin. (USGA/Steven Gibbons)

Q. Congratulations on winning the Girls' Junior. Tell me how you feel right now. Are you excited?

EUN JEONG SEONG: So I have many happy energy now. Excited now. I'm going to go hotel so I can take a rest so many times.

Q. You had a big lead this morning. Does that help your confidence for the afternoon?

EUN JEONG SEONG: Yes, but afternoon I have confidence, but Angel is a good player and followed me, but I mean, yeah.

Q. Do you like this golf course?

EUN JEONG SEONG: This course is no more out of bounds, and I like the soft greens, and I like the fairways. Fairways are normal, yeah.

Q. At the end there, Angel was getting close to you. She was playing hard.


Q. Tell me your thoughts as Angel started getting closer to you.

EUN JEONG SEONG: This morning, Angel made so many mistakes on the front nine. That's why I have confidence. But she's playing in the afternoon so very well. She's playing so very well, yeah.

Q. What are you going to do with the trophy now? Where will you go and what's next?

EUN JEONG SEONG: What's my next?

Q. And then what are you going to do with the trophy when you get home?

EUN JEONG SEONG: I'm going to keep this trophy, but I cannot, right?

Q. The trophy goes home with you for one year.


Q. You get to keep it.

EUN JEONG SEONG: Oh, my God. I don't know this. I can bring this trophy?

Q. Yes.

EUN JEONG SEONG: My room. My room, the head of my bed. Oh, I like it. Oh.

Q. You can put a lot of candy in there.

EUN JEONG SEONG: I want to put orange juice.

Q. What events are you playing next?

EUN JEONG SEONG: My next schedule?

Q. Yes.

EUN JEONG SEONG: Canada Amateur. That's stroke play. I think I play so easy, yeah.

Q. Do you like when your dad is here to watch you play?

EUN JEONG SEONG: Yes. But today I cannot find my dad. He said, I'm following you, but I cannot find him because I'm very important today, so that's why I cannot find my dad.

Q. And you talked about your mom.

EUN JEONG SEONG: My mom. Thank you to my mom. I really played hard, and English study hard or so. I'll go back to Korea, and I want to eat dinner.

Q. Who else do you want to thank? Do you want to thank anyone else?

EUN JEONG SEONG: I have coach in California. He's Chris Song (phon). He give me the compliment of the swing. Yeah, thank you Chris Song, yeah.

Q. Obviously the emotion of winning; talk about the win and your performance today.

EUN JEONG SEONG: Angel follow me and I have 2- up, but I think last year Pub Links, but I calm down and I can, and I make it. I thank my mom. My mom is in Korea. She cannot sleep, watching the cell phone, and she said every day, cheer up, cheer up and enjoy to play, and I can make it.

Q. You played so well today. Tell us what the whole week has been like. Have you been having fun?

EUN JEONG SEONG: Yes, very fun. Angel also go very far. We cannot make the fairway, but we can make the par. Just so fun.

Q. How happy are you right now? Tell us how happy you are.

EUN JEONG SEONG: Yeah, I'm happy. I'm very happy. I'm going to go to the Women's Amateur. I want to make it far.

Q. How much did getting off to a good start help you in the beginning, the 5-up lead? How did that help your confidence?

EUN JEONG SEONG: My irons so good and driver so good, Angel so far, but Angel is very many mistake, and I'm confident, so I make 5-up.

Q. You didn't make very many mistakes today. Were you feeling like you were playing well?

EUN JEONG SEONG: Yes, I'm playing very well, but I made a mistake on No. 14. First mistake, yeah. But it's okay.

Q. How excited are you to talk to your mom about the win? Are you excited to talk to your mom?


Q. What are you going to tell your mom? I don't want to make you cry.

EUN JEONG SEONG: My mom, maybe one year, one month ago, I cannot hit driver because many tries, and push always out of bounds, but my mom said, enjoy every tournament. She worked hard and we pray hard, always hard, and make it.