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Interview With U.S. Mid-Amateur Runner-Up Marc Dull

MARC DULL: I just didn't play well, that's all. I can't blame anybody but myself.

Q. What couldn't you find? What were you trying to get going?
MARC DULL: You know, the swing just felt bad from the first hole today. I fought through it and felt some decent stuff, I just could never get comfortable over the ball. I don't know why. Maybe some nerves, who knows. But just could never really get comfortable with anything today.

Q. Talk about the cumulative effect of the week. I know it's a lot of golf in a short period of time.
MARC DULL: This is by far the most golf I've played ever in a row. I wouldn't say that had anything to do with it. I don't feel tired, I don't feel fatigued, I just didn't have it today. Some days you just don't have it, and I didn't have it, and he played well. He made the putts when he had to make them.

Q. And having to make a putt on the last hole, talk about --
MARC DULL: Oh, my gosh. I lose 14. I'm like, all right, I'm going to get back in this. I didn't hit a good tee shot, and when a guy jars it on a par-4, what are you going to do. You're going to shake his hand and just laugh it off. I mean, it was an amazing shot he hit.

Q. You have a little case of the lefts going there for a time?
MARC DULL: I had it going both directions. That was the problem. High right, low left. That's just the hardest thing to fight off. You get it going both ways -- if you're just hitting it right or left you can figure it out, but I was missing on both sides, so I didn't know where to go with it.

Q. So even after you got the early 2-up lead it was a struggle?
MARC DULL: I hit it good maybe the first six holes. After that I just -- it was a struggle all day, just trying to find it all day. I got to 1-down after 9. After 27, I was like, okay, and then I just hit an awful golf shot. You can't give holes away at that point. You hit it in the middle of the green and make him make birdies to beat you. Just a bad decision on my part.

Q. There's going to be guys showing up at Streamsong saying I want Mark dull as my caddie.
MARC DULL: Perfect, bring them on. I'll take them all.

Q. Talk about the week. No one really had heard much of you, and now a lot of people know who you are.
MARC DULL: Oh, it's been an amazing week. Yeah, once it's over and done with, I'll think back and like -- I would have never imagined being here and getting this opportunity with a chance to play for -- to get into the Masters. It's a once in a lifetime maybe. Who knows if I ever get back here or not. I've been playing really well coming into this. I felt really good about my game. Like I said, I never could have imagined maybe making it this far, but I'm proud and I'm happy to make it -- and I get to play in a bunch more coming up, a bunch more stuff.

There's a lot of positives for sure.

Q. Was it hard to block out all that this could mean, winning to get into Augusta --
MARC DULL: Not really. I didn't think about it. I was fighting my golf swing so hard today, that's all I was thinking about. I wasn't thinking about anything more than that shot I had to hit. No, I've thought about it more between rounds, like overnight or whatever, more than when you're playing. When you're playing, you're just hitting each shot and trying to figure out the best way to execute each one.

Q. Was there any point this week that you really felt got you to this match? It was an amazing week to get to this week, five match play victories. Was there something that got you here, you found something, you --
MARC DULL: I drove it really well all week. In the stroke play I didn't hit it so great on the North Course, but I drove it really well and I hit a lot of greens. So that's why I was able to win so many matches. Keep it in play, knock it on the green, having putts for birdie a lot. I wasn't making many bogeys, and then today I just could not find the fairway, could not get it off the tee.

Q. Your son Cooper almost came out?
MARC DULL: I don't know, maybe. That's a long drive, and to try to keep a two-and-a-half-year-old quiet for 12 holes, six holes, much less 36 holes. It would have been cool to see him, but we'll go see him when we get home tomorrow.

Q. When do you go back to work?
MARC DULL: Probably Saturday. Yeah, I'll probably take tomorrow off and kind of -- we're staying the nice and I'll probably go back to work on Saturday.

Q. How many guys came up from Streamsong?
MARC DULL: Caddies? Two caddies came, director of golf, and my caddie master, my boss, came, so four of them came over.

Q. Fabulous. You are the No. 1 caddie at Streamsong from what we hear.
MARC DULL: Maybe so. There's a bunch of good ones over there, but hey, I'll take it.