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Mark Newell Re-Elected as USGA President


| Feb 23, 2019 | SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS

At the USGA's 2019 Annual Meeting, McLean, Va., attorney Mark Newell was elected to a second term as USGA president. (USGA/John Mummert)

Mark Newell, of McLean, Va., has been elected to serve a second term as the 65th president of the USGA. The election took place at the Association’s Annual Meeting in San Antonio, Texas, on Feb. 23, 2019.

Newell will continue to lead the 15-member volunteer USGA Executive Committee, which serves as the policy-making board and provides strategic direction and oversight to the Association through its full-time staff, based in Liberty Corner, N.J.

“It’s an honor to be elected to a second term and have the opportunity to give another year of service to the game as USGA president,” said Newell, who begins his seventh year on the Executive Committee. “Our collective commitment to impact and focus on ensuring the game’s future has never been stronger. It’s an exciting time to be a part of the USGA.

Stuart Francis of Hillsborough, Calif., was named president-elect, to ensure committee leadership succession and continuity. Beginning his fifth year on the governing board, Francis chairs the USGA Championship Committee and serves on the Equipment Standards Committee. 

Three new committee members were also elected. Anthony (Tony) Anderson of Chicago, Ill.; Deborah Platt Majoras of Cincinnati, Ohio; and Fred Perpall of Dallas, Texas, join the Executive Committee. They assume seats vacated by retiring members Gregory Morrison, Mark Reinemann and Clifford Shahbaz.

Two current members of the Executive Committee were elected to serve as officers. Martha Lang will serve as secretary, and Thomas Barkin as treasurer. Other current members nominated to continue their service are: Michael Bailey, Stephen Beebe, Paul Brown, Kendra Graham, Robert Kain, Nick Price, Sharon Ritchey and William Siart. Dick Shortz has also been elected to continue his service as general counsel.

“The 15 volunteers who comprise the USGA Executive Committee represent an inspiring commitment to our mission to serve the best interests of the game, for all who love and play it,” said Mike Davis, USGA chief executive officer.